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Vesisiippa - Daubenton's Bat
The bat flew to our yard in the summerly time at a bright sunny weather.
The bat climbed on the carpet in a Finnish carpet rack.
Usually the bat moves in the twilight time. I don't know why this individual was moving in the middle of bright daytime in the sunshine.
The bat was romping and climbing on the carpet.
The bat didn't seem to be disturbed, even though I shot it very close distance. In the beach of our lake I have seen bats flying in the evening at the dusk hunting there, but never before, I haven't seen these bats in the daytime and in a bright sunlight.
I looked the bat eye from the eye and it didn't seem to be disturbed and was very calm. We looked at each other eye from the eye.
En tiedä oliko tämä nuori yksilö, joka oli kokematon vai mikä oli syynä, että tämä vesihiippa lenteli pihallamme kirkkaassa auringonpaisteessa. I don't know that was this bat young individual or immature, or what was the reason that it flew on our yard at the bright sunlight. Copyright Petri Paavola valokuvia ei saa kopioida ja käyttää ilman lupaa Copyright Petri Paavola, photos may not be copied or used without permission www.kotipetripaavola.com/ Picture Gallery