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Deut 6:4



The Shroud of Turin is not Jesus' image


Jesus and Lazarus

Incident where Lazarus raised from the dead speaks for us in many ways.


Meaning of the Bible trees

The Bible trees have very deep exemplary!

The meaning of Jerusalem's gates

Jerusalem's gates in the book of Nehemiah have very clear spiritual meaning, which we examine in this teaching.


Heaven or hell

Choose "heaven" and salvation in Jesus Christ.


Tabernacle's deep exemplary

Tabernacle have very deep exemplary and we are going study it in this video.

The Lost Tomb of Jesus?

Jesus Christ rose up as bodily resurrection, and for this reason Jesus' earthly remains cannot be found. The tomb is empty, because He has risen up to the right side of His Father!

Harry Potter's evil message

Through Harry Potter books kids are misled to believe that there exist good and bad witches. The Bible says that all kinds of sorcery and witchcraft is evil.

Dogging sex sin

The Bible teaches that people are in the last days insatiable sex practitioners, who are doing many kinds of sex sins.





Bible teachings





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