is very common fish in Finland watercourses. It lives
in coast waters, rivers, lakes and ponds. In Finland pike
don't live only in top-lapland, but everywhere
elsewhere. Pike is a predator, which uses animal
plankton as its first nourishment, but very quickly
when growing it begin to eat fishes.
Pike eats roaches and perches in Finland's lakes. Pike
eats also salmons as a cannibal it eats also smaller
pikes. Pike eats also crabs (crayfish), frogs and
young water birds. In the sea large pikes are hunting
also Baltic herring. In the lakes pikes are hunting
shoals as whitefishes and smelts. Pikes also usually
eat whatever it can catch.
In Baltic Sea pikes live areas where water salt
content doesn't exceed 18 permillage. In the sea pikes
spawning succeeds areas, where water salt content is
below 7 permillage.