When Moses started to understand his individual
ministry, he tried to deliver people of Israel from slavery of Egyptians with
power of his own flesh and killed one Egyptian. Many Christians
begin to serve God with their own power. And doing that, they will get tired
and be driven finally to dry wilderness like happened to Moses. In the
wilderness God sharpened and provided Moses to his future ministry.
God often trains us a same way hidden from eyes of people, so that we would
not destroy that calling which God has given us. But after ground work of many
years, God called Moses to His work. Reactions, feelings and way of thinking
of Moses was completely changed. A man, who was full of his own power and
enthusiasm of his flesh before, acted now an opposite way. Moses answered to
God: "O my LORD, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast
spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue". When
Moses met the Holy God front of bush in flames, he need to confront his own
sinfulness and smallness comparing Godīs righteousness, holiness, love and
truth. When a person confronts God like this, he doesn't show his own muscles
anymore and he discover his own wisdom for vanity. God tended just to that
point: Moses came powerless and small front of Him. From now on in the life of
Moses will happen appearing of miracles and works of God , instead of power of
human work or flesh. Person who trust his/her self cannot surrender to God.
We need confront Godīs holiness, righteousness, love and truth, through those
things Yeshua the Messiah starts to grow in our hearts. Then we start to less
and God can do His work through us. Yeshua himself told us, that believer will
bear and produce a lot of fruits so that God will may be glorified. Since God
need to be glorified, we need to decrease. Weakness and smallness is good for
our ministry, because then living God can appear through our life. God can't
appear through people who are strong in themselves. So let Yeshua make you
small, so the world would see Mighty God.